Friday, November 23, 2012

Interview with Ian Stormstaff, 80th post!

Blaze: Hey Ian. Let's get started, You play Wizard101 & Pirate101 by Kingsisle, Tell us about your Character Ian Stormstaff and Ian Sharp?

Ian: Let's see, Ian StormStaff is believe it or not the first wizard I made. He is also my current wizard and even though I've been playing 4 years STILL hasn't finished the game. Or even come close. Ian Sharp however is already at level 17 and Pirate101 has been out less than 6 months. He's a dashing Swashbuckler currently snooping around Cool Ranch.

Blaze: You also have a blog, Wizard unites or also known as WU, Anything about it? Achievement? 

Ian: Wizards Unite is my first and longest surviving community project. My goal is to have a place people enjoy going to for fun posts, contests, guides, and even a small community. It's been slow work but in this past year (2012) WU has sort of blossomed and now has over  50 registered members and we've been pretty successful in the contest department. My goal is to be an official fansite so I can shower my renders with gifts 

Blaze: You achieve that goal! (Big fan) Now you've been playing Wizard101 for a LONG time. Any favorites? NPC, Pets, Spells, Creatures? 

Ian: Hmm. My favorite spell is DEFINITELY StormZilla and I'm really attached to my pet StormZilla, Sparky. My favorite NPC is Dr. Purrou JUST because he says "really" in a cool accent. My favorite in game hobby is furniture hoarding.

Blaze: Amazing! Kraken for the win, You also play Pirate101  any favorites? NPC, Companions, Pets, Worlds, Enemies etc? 

Ian: Favorite weapon is Fin's knives. LOVE them. Favorite companion is probably The Crazy Monquistan, Martin Ortega, because he says "alright Capitan" when you order him. World is prob Valencia. It looks pretty amazing. also I really wish you could buy an Armada ship, THEY look cool! The Walktopus pet is Cool! He spins and trawls when he kills something.

Blaze: Wait till ye hear Old Scratch "Captain my captain" Do you have any tips for the Wizards & Pirates in the spiral? 

Ian: Tips for Wizards and Pirates... Hmm. Be wary of Crowns. Often there are equal or better items ahead in the game. I spent 9k Crowns on a boat. Other then that help your friends :)

Blaze: For sure! Last question for this interview, You're on a Prodcast called "Wizard101 Ramblers"  Anything new coming up? What do you & Jordan have in plan?

Ian: We're hoping to do a contest soon. Other than that its just make you guys laugh as we struggle to make it. One day we hope to maybe go weekly and do a P101 Flipside similer to Po8.

Blaze: Awesome, Know you can do it. Well that's it, Thank you Ian for the time to be interviewed!

Ian: Thank you for the wonderful opportunity!

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