"Do you see the future Omintara? We will conquer Ravenwood and DESTROY it! There is NO ONE powerful enough to win this time ever since the chosen wizard died! Ambrose will lose! I feel it in my bone this time Omintara" Malistaire said feeling so confident. "All the dragons are mine! I own all of them! All 6 million of them and all the evil spirit are under my control, what does Ambrose have? I believe just an bunch of Wizards"Malistaire said as he put his staff down as he looks into the Crystal orb "What does Ambrose have beside wizards?"
Chapter one
In the Spiral
"Oh Gamma what are we gonna do now without Sebistain, He was our savior of the spiral, We need a new wizard to help us"
said Ambrose scratching his head. "We haven't had any trouble what is Malistaire up to? We need to send some knights from MarleyBone & Wysteria, I will try to contact them"
said Ambrose as he staring at the spiral gate "Hmm.."
As the 2 MarleyBone knights & the 3 Wysteria knights walk through the spiral door to DragonSpyre "Alright boys we're here be careful we don't want trouble we're looking for Malistaire" as one of the knights saying looking in the sky "Sir what ever happened to DragonSpyre, It was so beautiful! The skies was blue and they had the best water source and everyone was happy, What happened?" saying one of the youngest MB knight
"There was GOOD dragons until Malistaire fled his fight against Ambrose and he hid in DragonSpyre & the Dragon titans took over the place, Legend has it the summoning of the great dragon titan on the crown of fire will soon become alive and it can destroy Kroktopia & Mooshu" Saying one of the knights feeling all chill.
As the knights were searching DragonSpyre noises were made "Whats that?" MB knight said feeling so scared. Out of nowhere Dragon Titans came right out and attacked the Knights.
"WE'RE BEING ATTACK, HIDE" As the Dragon titans blowing fire at the knights, "We need help!" Get Ambrose, Tatro!" As Tatro run into the Spiral door was fast as he can an Dragon titan was right behind him "TATRO DUCK!" as one of the knights call out. As Tatro duck one of the knights throw an orb of ice at the dragon titan POOF as the dragon titan become pure ice tatro jump at the spiral door and went back to get Ambrose. "Ambrose, We was attacked my men wanted me to get you, We need help!" Ambrose didn't speak for couple of seconds he must of been thinking. "Here young Tatro take this wand, Fight & save your men's life go now quickly before its too late. As Tatro sprint to the spiral and then he stopped at front of bartleby the grand father tree "Bartleby what should I do this wand isn't gonna kill all 6 of the Titans!" Bartleby stared at Tatro for 3 whole minutes and said "Crown of fire, Crown of fire" "Excuse me?" said Tatro "You & your sidekick will find your's destiny" Bartleby said talking real slow.
"I dont understand, I do not have an sidekick and I doubt I'm gonna train one I am a kn.." as Bartleby interrupted "Patience, You will....see" as Bartleby close his 1 eye his leafs was falling off. Ok time to go back into DragonSpyre as he takes a deep breath and then went into DragonSpyre. "Hello, Knights?" it was all silent like its over as Tatro wonder around looking for the troops he noticed a sword on the ground, "What, this is Sitlen's sword" Suddenly a Dragon titan comes out in front of Tatro "Freeze, I don't want to hurt you" The Dragon Titan stops moving and said quietly "Y-y-young boy t-t-this is very dangerous to be here alone" it was like he couldnt spit out all his words, "What are you talking about its dangerous for YOU to be here alone" The Titan just falls to the ground and start whisper to his self "Hey you stand up, you're freaking me out" the Dragon titan stopped whispering and he stood up looking at the knight Tatro
"GET OUT" as titan screamed so loud the great dragon titan moved a little. "LEAVE NOW WHILE YOU CAN!" As his eyes glow to pure red and all of a sudden he start blowing fire out of his mouth. "What the" Tatro said ducking down as fast as he can "Ok you messed with the wrong Wizard/Knight!' Tatro said so proudly as he pull out his wand. The Dragon titan stopped and he started to shake. "Woah whats happening? Are you ok?" Tatro said feeling curious, the Dragon fell to the ground and fire blew out of his nose mouth & eyes "AHHHH!" Tatro said as he ran behind an rock. POOF the Titan blew up in flames. The ground started shaking "Woah woah!" Tatro said while he was shaking, I gotta get out of here and report the news to Ambrose!
![]() |
DragonSpyre when Malistaire came |
36 years later.... "Guards, Guards!" "Yes Merle Ambrose?" said the guards thats ready for anything, "Malistaire must be planning a big attack enough to destroy Ravenwood! Maybe WizardCity, I want you two too look for Tatro he in RavenWood" said Ambrose "Yes sir!" said the guards as they walking out and heading to RavenWood. Knock knock the door banged "No visiting during my spell training" said Tatro as he tries to cast legend spells. Bam the door opens and the 3 guards came in & said "Ambrose would like to see you" "I can't defeat Malistaire I am too old" said Tatro putting down his staff "Thats not it come with us AMBROSE needs you" said the guards stomping their's staff "Alright, But I can't help" said Tatro wishing he could. As the guards & Tatro walks to Ambrose "Stop!" said Tatro as he walks close to Bartleby "Sir, You ok?" saids one of the guards being unpatience. "We do not have enough ti..."
"Quiet...Please" said Tatro still looking at Bartleby "His eye, What happened?" said Tatro
"His sister the great raven gave him 2 eyes, One of which could see into the past and one which could see the future" Said the guard "Ok...Lets go gentlemen" Tatro said as he walking away still looking back at Bartleby. "Hello Tatro, Malistaire is planning something big I can just feel it, We need an new Wizard to defeat Malistaire and I think Bartleby may know" said Ambrose
"Blaze DragonHorn, Blaze DragonHorn?" "Is there a Blaze DragonHorn?" said Mr.Lincoln "Hey thats me Blaze Dragonhorn" said Blaze feeling special "Alright here is your schedule" said Mr.Lincoln handing an paper "Woah class at 9:30 AM? and ends at 9:30 PM? Thats 12 hours!" said Blaze dropping his schedule "I'm sorry that doesn't work for me" "Too bad your class is fire and by the way its 9:24 6 minutes good luck, I heard your teacher throws Fireballs at students who late" Said Mr.Lincoln grinning. "Wow this is just DUMB!" 12 Hours of doing what casting Firecat man why must I live in WizardCity!" Blaze said storming down RavenWood to the Fire school. "Ok next to the Ice school, Hmm Oh I see snow!! and then the fire school It is 9:28 1 minute in the snow wont hurt!" Blaze said while in the snow. "All fire students you have 1 minute" said Dalia Falmea. "Oh Oh time to go!" said Blaze. "Hello I am Blaze...DRAGONHORN!!!" said Blaze feeling so inchanted. "Of course Mr.DragonHorn come on in" said Dalia "Oh great, We got someone cocky" "said Dalia as she shuts the door "Alright class I am Dalia and this is the..."
Knock knock the door banged as Dalia opens the door "Yes Young wizard?" Hi I am Victoria Dream, Do you know where the Ice school is?" said Victoria feeling so shy. "Well obviously the one with snow, luckily I am not her a dumb wizard" Blaze thought in his mind.
"Ok young wizard right next to us the one with snow" said Dalia as she rolls her eyes.
"Thanks!!!" said Victoria feeling relief. Knock knock the door was taped, "Hello young wizard you are late!" said Lydia Greyrose. "I know I am so sorry!" I was lo..."
"No excuses" Lydia said
"Tatro I need you to do me a HUGE favor" said Ambrose being patience "What is it?"
Tatro said "We need an chosen Wizard to defeat Malistaire, So can you go to the Bartleby put you staff in the sky and say to Bartleby I must know the chosen one to defeat Malistaire, He will tell you quick for all we know Malistaire could be striking now" Ambrose said looking in the spiral "Yes of course I'll be going" Tatro said as he walks out and head to Bartleby.
"I must know the chosen one Bartleby" Tatro said as he holds up his staff in the air. Bartleby takes 2 deep breaths "Ta...Tro, The The chosen wizard...... His name is Blaze Hi-his name is Blaze DragonHorn" Bartleby said. "What not to be so negative but him? He can't do it he can't even get to school on the right time impossible He can't be the chosen o..."
"T-t-tatro Do do do you trust me?" Bartleby said "Of course sir but Mr.DragonHorn? It can't be" Tatro said while putting his staff down "Tatro You you you said you trusted me" Bartleby said "Ok you're right I gotta give the news to Ambrose" Tatro said.
"Mr.Ambrose Bartleby said the chosen one well you wont believe it but the chosen one is..." "Blaze DragonHorn" Ambrose said a head of time "Yes, How did you know?" said tatro being so curious "No time for get the Wizard, Trained him, Help him" Ambrose said. As Tatro walks to the fire school he took an quick glance at Bartleby and slightly took a deep breath and sigh "I'm sorry Bartleby, I think Ravenwood is doom. "You know I am right, Tatro HE is the chosen one." Bartleby said. "Ok sir I must trust you." As Tatro walks in the fire school everyone stopped. The whole room was silent. "Hey look it is Tatro our hero!" Said one of the wizards. Sigh "The hero I can't wait to see him get kill and see the new chosen wizard"
"I need that wizard" said Tatro pointing at Blaze. All the wizards whispered "What Blaze? Impossible he can't even do his homework"
"Um who are you pointing at" said Blaze. "You, Young Blaze you are the chosen one, I will train you and you will become our hero" said Tatro not looking at Blaze. "But uh um wait" Said Blaze feeling weird but relief. "No buts come with me, Time is wasting" Tatro said opening the door. "Lets go"
Chapter three
"Ar-ar-are you sure I'm it? I mean there are so many Blaze DragonHorn maybe you red the paper wrong Maybe it said "Blaze DragonP..." "No I red it right" Tatro said feeling angry. "I know who to read" said Tatro. As they walk into Ambrose's office, Blaze looked into the sky. "What is that" said Blaze looking so curious. "What is what" As Tatro looked into the sky, they stopped. "Its the eye of the spiral well if you don't save us it won't be there" Said Tatro taking an deep breath and all of an sudden an girl pops out "Hi! I am Victoria Dream and I would like to..." "Woah woah woah" Tatro said interrupting "Dream? Do you have a father?" Tatro said "Um yeah I do and like I was saying I..." "Is his name "Jeremy Dream?" Tatro said interrupting "Um yes, Yes he is" Victoria said in an quiet voice. "Wait who is this Jeremy Dream guy and who is she?" Said Blaze staring at Victoria "Um shes pretty" Blaze whisper to Tatro. As the yelling of Bartleby scream, Which everyone heard. "Ok we need to go, C'mon Blaze lets go" Said Tatro rushing, "Oh um bye guys" Victoria said feeling sad. "Papa I miss you, You was my hero" Victoria said looking at her father picture tearing up. "Sir Ambrose" said Tatro holding onto Blaze. "Here he is, What now?" said Tatro rushing then ever. Ambrose was looking at Blaze and then put his hand on his heart and closed his eyes, "Hmm yes this is Blaze, Train him we must defeat mali.." "Ok how long will this take?" Tatro interrupted, Ambrose walked up closely to Blaze & Tatro. As long it took you to be an hero. "But sir that took 6 years!! and I was 17 and he is like 10" Tatro said. "Woah I am 14.. and a half" Blaze said. "Go train him!" Ambrose said. As they walked by they notice Victoria under a tree crying looking at a photo, "What is she doing?" said Blaze "Her father died, He was our dearest hero" Tatro said about to shed a tear. As they walked into the arena something was odd. "Wow its empty...Its never empty!" said Tatro "Maybe everyone asleep Lets..." "No I am here" said an death wizard ready to win "Ok Blaze, You will fight that death wizard and before you start crying, You won't get hurt or die Death wizards can't do hurt.." Boom the young death wizard cast an ghoul "Bring it on weaky" said the young death wizard. "Ok Blaze screw that KICK HIS BUTT!" Said Tatro looking at the death wizard. "Ok I got this!" said Blaze walking in the arena. "Blaze cast an fire elf!" "Wait... A what?" Blaze said "A STINKING FIRE..." Bam! the banshee the young death wizard cast attacked Blaze. "Oh my ear is hurtin..." Another spell the death wizard cast and this time it was an ghoul. "Ahhh" said Blaze trying to get out of the arena. "There no way out of here" said Blaze looking around!" "Nooo you can't give up he stinking death. Come on look at your spells think and use it!" said Tatro "Ok fine um oh this spell looks cool" Blaze said while using an fire elf Bam the fire elf attacked the death wizard. "Hmm weak!" said the death wizard feeling so comfortable "Lets try this!" death wizard said while cast another ghoul. "I can't take this!" "Woah, What is happening?" Tatro said while watching Blaze go off in rage. "You messed with the wrong wizard" Blaze said using his wand and wracked the death wizard out of the arena. "You won, Blaze!" said Tatro. "I-I-I did what?" Blaze said feeling so dizzy. "Come Blaze, Lets go get your tickets!" said Tatro heading to Diego. Blaze & Tatro walking to Diego but no Diego. "Where is that horse?" said Blaze "I don't know, He is always here" said Tatro feeling curious. "Um, Well we're staying here I want my tickets!" said Blaze demanding. "Hmm" said Tatro. and all of a sudden skeleton pirates come out with their's sword, "Freeze fools" said the red skeleton the commander. "Or you'll be dead!" said the black suited skeleton. "Stay back Blaze" said Tatro pulling out his wand, "Bring it on" said Tatro trying to cast an spell. "This isn't working, I am too old said Tatro placing his wand down. "Ok lemme try this, Um cast uh uh FIRE ELF!" Boom the fire elf arrows strike the skeletons and knock them down, "We did it!" said Blaze. "No you did it" said Tatro. The next morning Tatro & Blaze got up. "So what now?" said Blaze. "Outfit" said Tatro looking out the window, "Um, oh wait I get it I gotta look all swagged out when I kick this maliscare's butt!" said Blaze smiling. "No, and its malistaire" said Tatro. They head over to the Robe shop. "Pick something" said Tatro. As they were looking at armor, The door open. "Hello guys!" said the oddly strange wizard brosco. "That is Brosco the really nice but sadly odd wizard" said Tatro. As they were going to the cashier, Blaze noticed something. "Hey whats that key on the ground next to that mini little door?" said Blaze "I don't know, The cashier is really protective over that" said Tatro. As they walked out Brosco went to hide and someone came out, "Ok so we got me use to getting my butt kicked, Spells & my outfits, What now" said Blaze, "Well there is one more thing to d..." Boom the robe shop door slammed open, "Hello Tatro" said a Dragon Titan "Blaze run! Go hide" said Tatro pulling out his sword, "Bring it!" said Tatro. Blaze hid under a bush to watch the battle and all a sudden Victoria came "What is happening?" "Nothing just stay down" said Blaze. Boom the dragon titan is breathing fire so much, "Not gonna help!" said Tatro. Suddenly another dragon titan came out, Boom "Ahhh!" said Tatro as he falling to the ground and can't get back up. "NOOOOOOOO!" Blaze screamed "I gotta do something" said Blaze pulling out his wand and casting a spell, As Blaze's spell come alive one of the dragon titan flew back inside the robe shop and the other one just stood still, Like he knew he was gonna die. "Got it" said Blaze while killing the still dragon titan. Blaze & Victoria ran out of the bush and rushed to Tatro "Tatro um master c-c-can you hear me?" said Blaze, Tatro didn't speak he was just breathing really hard. "Oh no, I think he's dead!" Cried out Victoria
"He can't be dead, He was suppose to help me I can't do it alone!" Blaze screamed
"Blaze I am sorry" said Victoria patting his back "Ravenwood or even Wizard city is gonna be destroy by Malistaire said Blaze, "No it won't!" said Victoria screaming "Ambrose can help us!" "HOW?!?!?" Scream out Blaze "He too powerful I am just a beginner!" Said Blaze "But that doesn't mean he can..." "Its over Victoria!" said Blaze standing up, Blaze walks away leaving Victoria with Tatro's body. "I can't believe it, Maybe Wizard City is done for" said Victoria talking to her self. Next morning, Knock knock the door was banging. "Hello" said Blaze staying up all night "Hey, Its me Brosco!" "Oh, You from last.." "Yes I know, I am so sorry about Tatro" said Brosco, "Well anyway its too early, I need some sleep" said Blaze shutting the door on Brosco *Knock knock* the door banged once again. "What do you want this time!" said Blaze with rage. The door opened and it was Victoria "Woah Blaze, Sorry to bother you" said Victoria turning around, "Sorry I didn't know it was you, I thought it was Brosco bugging me once again" said Blaze. "Well its not" said Victoria, "Yeah, So does Ambrose know about Tatro death?" "No he doesn't" said Victoria, "Well I am going to tell him" said Blaze getting his wand. As Blaze walk by Bartleby, He just stopped. "Your eyes? That is Tatro armor sigh?" said Blaze. "Yeeees young wizard, I am so sorry about your master" said Bartleby. "Ravenwood is gonna be destroy, right?" said Blaze feeling down, "You control the future young wizard, You're Wizard city's only hope" said Bartleby, "I have no trainer!" Blaze screamed and just walked off. As Blaze went into Ambrose office Brosco, Victoria, Gamma, Ambrose & what looks like Tatro's armor. "I know about Tatro, Blaze" said Ambrose "How, Did they told you or something?" said Blaze looking at Brosco funny, "I knew it was time for Tatro to die" Brosco said "How?" said Blaze "No reason said Brosco "Blaze, You must save Ravenwood, Malistaire is planning to attack it soon!" said Ambrose "You might need help, So we shall provide you with supplies such as a brand new high enough wand, Strong Armor & spell cards that you might of never ever heard of" said Gamma "Yes young Blaze, I am surely you are ready" said Ambrose handing Blaze the supplies "Yes congratulations" said Brosco looking really jealous. As they shake hands Blaze feel heat, burning water heat such as the Titans' hands. "Um thanks Brosco" said Blaze trying to get away from him. As Blaze walks to his dorm to try out his new supplies Victoria walks with him. "Are you nervous?" said Victoria "Yes I am, I just can't believe in my own self" said Blaze. "I believe in you" said Victoria "And you should too!" said Victoria demanding, "Well guess you're the only one who believes in.." "Bartleby" Victoria interrupted "and Ambrose, and even Tatro!" Victoria said finishing up. "What are you talking a..." "You can't just give up I Ambrose Tatro & Bartleby believes in you! Please Blaze please don't ruin our hopes!" Victoria cried, "They do?" Blaze stopped and said, "Yes they do, Lincoln and all those other wizards might not, But we do!" Victoria said looking at Blaze directly in the eyes.
Blaze head to his dorm with Victoria to try out the outfits. "Woah!" Victoria shouted "You look amazing in that armor" said Victoria feeling so happy. "Should we head down the arena and practice my skills?" said Blaze, "Sure" said Victoria opening the doors. Heading down to the arena. "Whats that noise?" said Blaze keep turning around, "Could be other young wizard walking at night too" said Victoria not worrying "But I keep hearing an clunking noise like someone wearing steal boots ever since we left the dorm" said Blaze being scared to death. "I don't like Brosco" said Blaze "Why not? He really nice, Just because he odd doesn't mean you shouldn't like him I mean you would be odd if when you was born as a baby your family was attacked" said Victoria, "No no off course not, When we did a hand shake his hand was boiling hot like the dragon titans" said Blaze "You're crazy" Victoria snickered. "Wait do you smell fire?" Blaze said "Yeah?" Victoria said while turning around. "WOAH HOLY WIZARDLY!" Blaze screamed! "Back away Blaze!" Victoria said standing in front of Blaze. In front of their's eyes was the area on fire and all of a sudden a titan flew out into the sky, As Blaze wasn't focus on the area on fire he was more focus on trying to hit the titan with his Fire strikes "Ugh keep missing!" said Blaze feeling angry "No time for that!" Victoria screamed and pulled out her wand "How is your wand going to help?" said Blaze rolling his eyes, "I am ice!" Victoria screamed and cast a blizzard on the area, "It might have some ice sickles and be freezing and snow all over it, But better then it burning down" Victoria said taking deep breaths. "Whew that was close, Nice save Victoria" Blaze said almost about to pass out. "Thanks" Victoria said "But I think I am done for the day, I am just too beat I need rest" Victoria added, "Me too" Blaze said and headed back to his dorm. Bam bam the door banged this time really loud. "Yeah?" said Blaze getting all dress up, "Lets go to the area to train some more and hopefully nothing bad will happen since its the day and everyone on their's duties" Victoria said with a big smile. As they head down to the area they notice Diego looking at them in a funny/what happen way. "You two must of done this!" Diego said "Because on the roof it was burnt and obviously in the area wizards are too cold to fight!" Diego added in rage. "No a Titan set the area on fire, I use a blizzard to take it out" Victoria said "I can make it normal temperature" said Brosco coming out of no where "Oh great" Blaze whispered to Victoria, "Ok lemme see ya go ahead and do it" Diego said. Brosco got out a jug of fire and open the top just a little and head was coming out, melting all the ice sickles off the area and made it back to normal temperture. "Good god you did it! What will I have to do for you?" Diego said. "I can't handle this" Blaze whisper to Victoria and just left heading to Ravenwood fire school. "Um he woke up too early" Victoria said and walk off with him "What are you doing?" said Victoria worried about him. "Brosco he thinks he good at everything" Blaze said, "What are you talking about? You are the chosen one" said Victoria "Well but..." "No he just a wizard you are the chosen wizard" Victoria interrupted, "Maybe you are right" Blaze said opening the door to the fire school. "Hello fellow friends its me Blaze the hero the savoir of ravenwood soon to be" Blaze bragged. "You're kidding right?" whispered to herself, "I just wanted to come in and say a little speech" Blaze said going to the front of the class "He not gonna do it" Victoria said putting her hands on her face. "Its about me" Blaze said proudly "He doing it" Victoria whisper to herself "So, Malistaire might attack RavenWood and take everything we have or destroy it OR even have control of it for his new headquarters, But don't worry because Blaze DragonHorn will save the DAY and become the hero of Ravenwood..." Blaze stopped and thought "What am I doing" and had a new idea. "Look I know at first you didn't believe in me too be honest I thought there was 2 Blaze DragonHorns in the spiral, But I kept on training and I believe in myself and Bartleby Ambrose Gamma and maybe Brosco but the main one that pushed me to do it was her" Blaze said pointing at Victoria. The whole class was silent looking at Victoria thinking "A ice and a fire?" "Yes she ice and she a girl, I know but you know who this is? SHE IS VICTORIA DREAM! JEREMY DREAM'S DAUGHTER Blaze said smiling at Victoria. All of a sudden the class was loud & Victoria face looked like it was about to tear up. "Whats wrong Victoria?" Blaze said going to Victoria. "Blaze, I don't think I can do this, My papa was my hero and I just.." Victoria stopped and walked out. "What have I done?" Blaze thought. "Victoria, Victoria, Where are you?" Blaze said. Blaze went to Brosco's dorm and notice he wasn't there, "Hmm where is he?" Blaze said, "Wait the ice school, Victoria was in love with ice she must be there!" Blaze said rushing to the ice school. "Hello? Victoria" Blaze said and saw Victoria in the corner "Victoria! I am so sorry" Blaze said "Its ok" Victoria said trying to hide the tears, "C'mon lets go to the area and practice Blaze said pulling Victoria up, "Ok fine" Said Victoria. As they walk to the area Blaze took a quick at Bartleby and then saw something in the sky, "Victoria hide, Titan here" Blaze said, "Ends here" the titan said landing on the ground and about to get ready to blow fire. Blaze got his wand out but then notice he had that symbol as Brosco on his hand. "I know who you are" Blaze said putting his wand away, "Who the one that is about to kill you" the Titan said feeling nervous, "Brosco, You're Brosco" Blaze said grinning "That is dumb" the titan said and start blowing fire but luckily Blaze move quick and pulled out his wand, "You were my problem you killed Tatro!" Blaze said feeling so angry "I don't know a Brosco!" said the titan. Blaze turned around and all of a sudden and cast a fire blast and the titan brought out his wand and reflect it. "See the same wand as Brosco! You killed Tatro, You was the problem" Blaze said "You can just change into a wizard, You know Malistaire, You talked to him" Blaze added. "Yes I am Brosco and you are dead!" Brosco said blowing fire "Nooo!" said Victoria as she gets out her wand and BAM, Brosco was frozen was a burnt on his back. "Y-Y-Y-You saved me" Blaze said, And all of a sudden the ice was melting, Crack the ice all breaking down "Stay back!" Blaze said. The ice break stopped and all of a sudden it broke in many pieces and Brosco flew out, "Silly wizard, I am a united titan, I am well train and I have lots of heat!" Brosco said while breathing flames out of his mouth so fast and deep "Brosco, Why are you doing this?" Blaze said reflecting the flames, "My father was the last hero!" Said Brosco still trying to kill them, "My dad and mom are dead, You titans attacked them and killed them!" Blaze said putting his wand back like he was ready to die. Brosco stopped and flew down to the ground, "I am sorry, You people come and try to take us!" Brosco said changing back into a human "You guys were our problems, Malistaire is our hero, protecting us!" Brosco added "You know when Malistaire control Ravenwood he gonna forget ALL of you guys, He using you for his army once he destroy us, He gonna forget about you guys" said Blaze getting closer to Brosco "No he isn't!" Brosco said "Yes he is trust me Brosco!" Blaze said right in his face. All of a sudden, Blaze pulled out his wand and stab him in his stomach, "I am sorry" Blaze said pulling his wand out, dripping blood. Brosco was silent and all of a sudden he fell down and burned into flames, But he wasn't screaming it almost looked like he was happy. "What-What have you done, Blaze" said Victoria still afraid, "I'm not dumb, Obviously he was gonna kill me" Blaze said "It was either him dying or me" Blaze added "Well I think we seen enough I am going back to the dorm see ya" Blaze said as he left "Ok bye" Victoria said. Victoria got closer to Brosco's body "Brosco, I am sorry" Victoria said as she put her hand on his face feeling his heat "Just sorry" Victoria sighed. Victoria took Brosco's body to her dorm, Too see if she can help. Next morning Blaze got up and headed to Victoria, As he walked he notice Bartleby was shaking, One of his eyes turned red and he started moving. "Bartleby? Are you ok?" Blaze said
"No Malistaire army is alot to handle, Young wizard You might need help, Not with Malistaire but with the titans" Bartle said "You must stop some of the titans to come, Go to DragonSpyre get 3 wizards and 2 MARLEYBONE knights" Bartleby said "Yes sir, On my way" Blaze said as he headed to Victoria. "VICTORIA VICTORIA" Blaze cried "We must go to DragonSpyre with 3 wizards and 2 MB knights" Blaze added. Victoria was silent hiding Broco's body as best as she can "Yes of course lets go to MB" Victoria quickly said. they went into the spiral gate to MB, "Hello, May we please have 2 MB knights?" Blaze said trying his best to be polite, "Of course not" One of the "Mayors" said "Last time we gave you guys knights they didn't come back..YET!" the Mayor said. "Tatro?" Blaze said "Yes...How do you know about him" the mayor said surprise, "He was the chosen one to defeat Malistaire! He trained me, But a titan killed him not to long ago" Blaze said "Hmm, We migh think..." "No!" Victoria interrupted "You have to help us if Malistaire takes over Ravenwood or even Wizard city, He could attack you guys, Please just only 2 of your best knights, Sir" Victoria added, "Fine very well, PATRA & YURLY!" The mayor yelled out, "Yes Mayor?" both of the knights replied, "You will go help these wizards to defeat Malistaire" mayor said "That is dangerous we could get ki.." "I am life, We'll keep you safe!" Boris the life wizard said "Yeah, Don't be a sissy" Alex the death wizard said "Yes, We can win this!" Omaro the storm wizard said "Alright fine, Lets go no time to waste" Patra said "Yes, Hurry" Yurly said. As all of them opened the spiral door to DragonSpyre, The 2 knights did a cross signal to the mayor, "We shall be back before you know it, Sir!" Patra & Yurly said proudly. "Clut" the spiral door shut and they're in DragonSpyre. "Ok boys this is DragonSpyre the dangerous place yet in the spiral, Please be careful when I return back home, I wanna be proud not sobby" Patra said. As they walk looking all around getting goosebump they heard a big clump, "What was that?" Omaro said feeling so scared, "Shut up" Alex said "You both be quiet!" Boris said, "Where too?" Victoria said "In that Volcano is where the Titans are at" Blaze said pointing at the great Dragon titan volcano, "C'mon lets go" Yurly said.
As the whole gang walks into the cave, They heard BIG growling and roars like a titan never did and they walked into it. "K guys on 3" Blaze whispered "1.....2......3" "WAIT!" the knights stopped them "Look down there, There are like almost a million titans, Follow me" Yurly said, "Right..." 35 titans popped out, Like it was a trap, "GUYS BACK RUN!" the knights said. The titans was firing sooo much fire it looked like the volcano erupted, "Where are we gonna do!" Omaro said "WE ARE GONNA DIE!" Boris panted "Guys, New idea follow me!" Blaze said As they all raced down to the gate to labyrinth and all of a sudden it closed. "Guys, We're gonna fight!" The 3 wizards said "Bang" there was fire flowing everywhere wizards casting spells, So far 4 titans are down no one didn't die. "We need to push harder!" Patra said using his sword reflecting flames and all of a sudden a titan flew so fast you couldn't see it and it came down and swoop Omaro in the air "Omaro!" Boris screamed! "Help him" Alex cried "We can't, If we do we'll die too, I'm sorry but he gone" Yurly said. 15 Titans was killed so far only one wizard died. "C'mon we must get to the spiral door!" Patra shouted, As they run the spiral door just came off and pulled into the great dragon titan mouth, "Its not gone, Change of plans we're going to the great titan!" Yurly shouted. As they run Boris was slowing down, "Grab my hand!" Victoria shouted "Ok, Slow down!" Boris said falling behind. Sucessfully Boris was attached to Victoria. "Don't fall behind, I can't lose anymore of you guys!" Blaze cried. Blaze, Victoria, Yurly, Patra, Boris & Alex was running fast. "Do you think we can make it?" Alex said "Yes almost there keep up with me" Blaze & Patra said. They made it and Boris swing close the gate. "We're safe" Victoria moan. Alex got his wand out "You guys could of got me killed!" Alex said angry. "Alex don't..." "I am not dumb, You guys wanted Omaro dead, We was fine to save him" Alex said "Sir you're in the..." "Shut up just shut up!" Alex interrupted "Alex please you are gonna get yourself.." "Stop" Alex said his wand pointed at Victoria place, "Alex!" Boris yelled "WHAT!" Alex shouted so loud the cave shook, "You are under the pit, it is bout to erupt" Boris said, "I don't care, I just want to destroy you.." BAM lave came out of the pit alex was on. "NOOO!" Boris shouted! "No, No, NO!" Boris said trying to get him "Stop...He dead" Patra said "No, N.." "It was his mistake" Blaze said "Boris its ok stay with us" Victoria said putting her hand on his shoulder "Alright lets go" Yurly said and they followed up the stairs, Boris slowed down looking at the pit to see if Alex was alive, "I'm sorry" Victoria said softly patting on his back. They made it to the 2nd floor where it was boiling hot, There was lava pit everywhere everyone could die. "Be careful, Follow my steps" Patra instructed "Victoria, Can't wait to get back in Wizard city and kill malistaire" Blaze said happily and believing, "Ok lets check if everyone is here" Patra said "Blaze" "Right here" Blaze said "Victoria" "Here" Victoria replied "Yurly" "Been here" Yurly said, "Ok, Boris?" No reply. "BORIS WHERE ARE YOU?" "Easy steps, Easy steps" Boris said going back down stairs to heal Alex back up, "Guys, We cannot leave without Boris, LOOK FOR HIM" Patra demanded "Patra & Yurly, Go up stairs" "Victoria, Come with me we're going down stairs" Blaze commanded "LETS GO!" Blaze yelled. "I hope we can find him" Victoria said as she walks down the stairs "We will" Blaze said having hope, "Wait..stopped, Do you hear that? Blaze said "It sounds like Boris!" Victoria said "Yeah, Sounds like it" Blaze said as he looked down, "IT IS BORIS!" Victoria scream "Shush, You are gonna get us killed!" Blaze said. "I don't see Boris" Patra said "Just be careful the titan cave is up there" said Yurly "He might be there" Patra screamed. As they went up all they heard was titans "Where are they?" Yurly cried "I don't know!" All of a sudden a titan comes souring out, "PATRA, BROTHER LOOK OUT!" Yurly screamed as he jumped in front of Patra. Boom fire blew Patra went flying, "W-W-WHAT HAPPEN? YURLY?" Patra said putting his hand on his head, "YURLY!" Patra cried. The smoke cleared up and in front of Patra was Yurly, Burnt up with a titan next to him sword in his stomach. "Noo!" Patra screamed "BLAZE, VICTORIA! HELP FIND BORIS, YURLY NEEDS HELP!" Yurly screamed, "Do you hear that Victoria?" Blaze whispered "Yes, It sounded like Patra...or Yurly" Victoria whispered back, "Come quick, Get Boris and head back up" Blaze said getting closer to Boris. "Boris, What are you doing?" Blaze said pulling him "I must try to heal Alex, I just cannot leave him" Boris cried "You can't its too late, He's dead!" Blaze said "I have to try" Boris said pulling out his wand "Boris I'm sorry" Blaze said "What?" Boris said confused, CRACK Blaze knocked out Boris "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Victoria cried "He's ok, I am not losing him help me pick him up" Blaze said. "BLAZE! VICTORIA!" Patra screamed "Its ok Yurly, You're okay" Patra talked to his self "Y-Y-You save me, I must return the favor!" Patra said, "Patra" Blaze & Victoria screamed "What happen to Yurly?" Blaze said "What happen to Boris?" Patra said, "He wouldn't come some I knocked him out" Blaze said laughing "Well, I do not care, Just help Yurly, A titan flew down and tried to kill me but he jumped in the way the titan is dead but Yurly is..." "Dead" Victoria interrupted "He can't be..." "He is" Blaze interrupted "I am so sorry, We have to go!" "No, I am staying I told the mayor both of us are coming back or none!" Patra said "Yurly would want you to be the people please, I don't wanna knock you out either & we can't do it without you" Blaze said. Patra took a glance at Yurly and looked back at Blaze, "Fine, Let's go" Patra sighed, As they ran into the mouth of the titan, Patra looked back at Yurly "I'm sorry, Friend" Patra said. "Over there, The spiral door!" Victoria screamed "Ok" Blaze said as he lay down Boris "WAKE UP!" Blaze scream as he slapped him awake "What happen? Where Alex? Omaro? Yurly?" said Boris "Dead, Sadly but the door over there, We have to get there" Blaze said
"Ok, Wizards, We have to get to the spiral door but 17 titans are guarding it, Think we can do this?" Patra said "Lets do it!" Blaze said running down screaming "TITANS!" and Patra jumped over 3 titans throwing his sword and sliced 2 of them, But luckily Victoria froze the other one, "Thanks Victoria" Patra said. "Ahhh!" Victoria screamed "My arm its on fire" Victoria said falling down, "BORIS!" Blaze cried "Help her, Heal her" Blaze demanded "With what?" Boris said "Anything, Unicorn sprite, Something C'mon!" Blaze yelled, "Hurry, She has a good chance of dying in the next 3 minutes" Patra said "Ok, Where my wand?" Boris confused "I see it up there! I'll go get it" Blaze said. Running as fast but a titan got in his way "Back, or die!" Blaze demanded "Never" the titan said and swoop Blaze's wand away, "Haha" Titan laughed. Blaze steamed up "Give me it!!!!!!!!!" Blaze screamed "What is that?" Patra said "What the, Is that blaze turning purple? and lighting up?" Boris said "His anger is more powerful then most!" Patra said "What theeee?" the titan said. Boom! Blaze lifted up and light up and all of a sudden fire came out everywhere took out half of the titans, "Woah!" Boris shouted "Ugh, I have a headache , What happen?" said Blaze "NOTHING, GO GET THAT WAND!" Patra yelled "Ok!"said Blaze grabbing the wand "Here it is" "Ok, Boris show us what you got" Patra said "Ok" Boris said trying to cast rebirth *Poof* "its not working!" Boris cried, "Try harder! Focus" Patra commanded "Ok, Give me a second" said Boris closing his eyes and took a deep breath "Ok" Boris said calmly and cast his rebirth, Pop the rebirth came out, "Rebirth, Heal Victoria!" Boris demanded and the rebirth healed everyone, "Woah, What the?" Blaze & Boris said "Rebirth heals everyone, No more scars" said Patra, "Wait, Where is Victoria?" Blaze said "Up there!" Boris said pointing up. Victoria was lighting up green flowing down to Blaze and smiled. "Lets do this" Victoria said. They ran into the spiral door "Ok, We are here, Sadly we shall remember Alex, Omaro and.." Patra stopped "Lets just go, I can't stand this place" Patra said "Wait! Guys look, Its the future spiral, I have to go into it so see if I won!" Blaze said as he ran to the door "Wait up" said Victoria following Blaze "Guess, I would like to see the future" Boris said "Fine, I 'll come" Patra sighed, Whoooooooop, The future spiral swung them in and poof. "Woah, What happen to Ravenwood? Its all mess up" Blaze said "Where everyone?" Victoria said "We need to get back to Ravenwood, Come on!" Patra said pushing everyone into the future spiral, "Ok the spiral is over here come" Patra said going into the spiral, "Yes!" Blaze shouted "Ravenwood is okay" Boris said "For now, Today must be the day Malistaire is coming" Patra said. "Wait I gotta go" Blaze said heading to Ambrose, "Ambrose, I went into the future spiral, Everything was destroy, Is this the future?" Blaze said "No" Ambrose said briefly "That was a trap to ruin your mind, You was smart to come and tell me" Ambrose said, "Wait be right back!" Blaze said bolting to Bartleby "Bartleby, I went to DragonSpyre, We did good but, Omaro, Alex & Yurly is dead, Sorry sir" Blaze said and all of a sudden their's spirit appear, "What? Omaro? Alex & Yurly?" Blaze said "Yes" Yurly spirit said "We are glad, You got out ok, We wanted our self to die then you" Yurly spirit said "Excuse me?" Blaze said "We died for you to be here" Alex spirit said "W-W-why?" Blaze said "It was Bartleby plan" Omaro spirit said. The wind blew and the spirits was gone, "Nooo! what happen?" Blaze screamed "Young wizard, look behind you" Bartleby said. Blaze turned around and in front of him was 6 spirits, "Oh my gosh!" Blaze scramed "Yurly, Alex, Omaro, Tatro, Mother & father!" Blaze shouted "Hello Blaze, We are very proud of you, We knew you'll be pick" Blaze father said "Yes, We love you so much" Blaze mother said "Your anger save you and your friends life" Tatro said, "Yes I notice" said Blaze. a sudden wind blew and all the spirits are gone. "WHAT HAPPEN!?" said Blaze "They are now gone, Their path is over" Bartleby said. "It was good to see Yurly" Patra sadly said "But he is in a better place" Patra added "Good to see Tatro happy & proud" Blaze said "We might as well go training, Instead of weeping" said Patra "True, Lets do it" Blaze said heading to the arena. "I'll meet you guys later" said Victoria heading to her dorm. Bam Victoria shut her door looking out the window to make sure its safe and all of a sudden a body came out "Brosco, Are you ok? I am so sorry about Blaze!" said Victoria, "Guys, I be right back" Blaze said heading to the dorms "Brosco, I will get Boris to bring you back to life!" cried Victoria "Don't slip, Don't slip!" Blaze whispered as he climbs Victoria's dorm, "Whats that? Must be bad weather. Right Brosco?" Victoria said. "Ok count to 3..." Blaze said preparing "1 2......" Blaze stopped and took a deep breath "3!" Blaze screamed and feel into Victoria dorm, "Victoria!" "Blaze!" Both of them shouted "I-is that Brosco?" Blaze said "Y-Y-es Blaze, It is wrong, Brosco was innocent and you had to kill him!" Victoria shouted "I killed him for a good reason. To PROTECT us!" Blaze screamed "Killing!" Victoria stopped, "Killing is wrong" Victoria said calmly "Yeah! I know, But HE was trying to kill me!" Blaze shouted and turned around "To protect us" Blaze said taking a deep breath "If I didn't do what I did, Both of us would of been DEAD!" Blaze said "Heal Brosco, Get Boris, We WILL heal Brosco!" Victoria demanded "No we won't" Blaze said "I have to help save Ravenwood and you do too, We are heros! I am not going to help a titan, I'm sorry Victoria not going to happen!" Said Blaze storming out of the Dorm.
Chapter four
Dragonspyre journey
"Victoria has a dead titan that tried to kill us!" Blaze said storming in Boris & Patra meeting "What?" They were confuse, "Brosco, Fake wizard, He was a titan, I killed him because he tried to kill me and Victoria think we should revive him back to life" Said Blaze "Its insane!" Blaze cried "Does she want us dead?" Blaze said solemnly "She has a big heart, She cares about others, She was worried about the titans we killed" Boris said "Maybe DragonSpyre is going over her head" Patra snickered. "I'm worry about Victoria, Her big loving heart could get her killed!" Blaze said looking out the window "Just doesn't make sense" Blaze said, "I am going to bed" Boris said standing up and heading out "Me too, Here keep in contact with me, I'll be in MB" Said Patra handing Blaze his ID "Ok, Guess I am going too" Blaze said walking out. "Blaze, Blaze Help!" Said Victoria "What happen? Why are you bleeding?" Said Blaze "Its Brosco, You was right, I should of trusted you now its too late" Victoria said falling down "NOOO! Victoria" Blaze screamed "Victoria!" Blaze cried "Hello Blaze" Brosco said introducing his self "What have you done! You killed her!" Blaze said "Not just her, But Bartleby & Boris and Patra!" Brosco added "Raven wood is doomed, Thank you for not doing anything!" Brosco said "No! No!" Blaze screamed and all of a sudden, He woke up "W-w-what happen?" Blaze said breathing deeply "Oh, Thank god. It was just a dream!" Blaze said very nervous looking out the window "Tomorrow, I have to take Brosco's body away from Victoria" Blaze said "Or maybe now" Blaze said getting out of the bed. "6:09" Blaze said taking a quick glance at the clock "Victoria is still asleep!" Blaze said "Maybe Patra is awake" Said Blaze getting the paper he slipped to Blaze "Ok, Here his location in MB, Thats too far away, Maybe Boris is awake" Blaze said to his self getting out the Raven wood students IDs "Ok, Boris LifeBlossom, Boris StormStaff, Oh! Boris SpiritCatcher life wizard, Attending Raven woods, Has to be him!" Said Blaze getting up and starts heading to Boris dorm. "Cold night" Blaze said to his self looking into the wonderful sky "Hard to believe Malistaire wants to destroy this" Blaze said "Ok, Dorm 65" Blaze said looking at Dorm 65 "What happen? This dorm is terrible? It looks like it was on fire and everything, How can Boris lives in this?" Blaze said feeling anxious to go in, "Ok, Here we go" Blaze said, CLUMP CLUMP Blaze knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Boris groaned opening the door, "Holy, What happen to your dorm?" Blaze said, "They gave me this dorm" Boris said "Why?" Blaze replied "They don't like me because all the crimes my father did, I get all the no good stuff, Such as food and money, Guards, Wizards and others don't want me to help them" Boris said "Who was your father?" Blaze said "I don't want to say, But he was good friends with Malistaire, He destroy lots of wizards, But I am nothing like him" Boris said looking down "Sorry to hear that, Is he still alive?" said Blaze "Yes, I am pretty sure haven't talk to him for a while" said Boris "Come, Stay with me for the night" Blaze suggested "Oh, I shouldn't spend the night with a hero, I don't deserve it" Boris said and started walking into his dorm "C'mon, You came with me on a very dangerous task that could of got you killed!" Blaze said "You are a hero" Blaze added "No, Just can't" Boris said closing the door "Wow, His father was friends with Malistaire" Blaze whispered to his self "Unbelievable" said Blaze "Better head back" Blaze said and started heading back to his dorm.
Next morning Blaze, Boris & Patra had a meeting, "Ok, Guys" Blaze said "I have to know more about Malistaire, Do anyone know how I can get information about him?" Blaze said "Cyrus Drake, The myth teacher, He is brother with Malistaire" Patra suggested "Ok, I am heading there" Blaze said running out of the door. "The myth school" Blaze said closely to the door. "Ok, Class today we shall learn about how to cast a troll, Please turn on..." Cyrus stopped "Class is dismissed for the rest of the day" Cyrus said walking toward to Blaze "The chosen wizard, What do you need?" Cyrus said "I need to ask you some questions" Blaze said "Oh, Not this!" Cyrus said angrily "You don't know what I was going to a..." "You was gonna ask me about my brother Malistaire" Cyrus interrupted "You're not the first who ask" Cyrus added "I have to, So I um so I" "So you can defeat him" Cyrus finished Blaze's sentence, "No, Of course not, I have to stop him or Raven wood is doom!" Blaze said dramatically "Malistaire is my twin brother" Cyrus said "Your twin!?!?" Blaze said "Yes, We wanted to teach, I am the Myth professor and Malistaire was the death professor & his wife Sylvia taught life and he left Ravenwood to pursue mysterious desires on his own" Cyrus finished "Do you know where I can meet Sylvia?" Blaze asked "Her spirit is in DragonSpyre in Necropolis" Cyrus answered "She isn't like Malistaire, She is very generous & has a heart, Good luck Blaze" Cyrus said and walked out, "Ok" Blaze said to his self as he went out to gather Patra & Boris "Guys! Cyrus and Malistaire are twins and did you know Malistaire was the Death profess.." "Yes we know" Boris interrupted "Ok, Anyway We are going to Sylvia she is in Necropolis in DragonSpyre" Blaze said and head to the spiral door "Are you sure about this?" Boris concerned "Why would Cyrus lie to me?" Blaze asked "He might becoming Malistaire" Boris snickered "Where is Victoria?" Patra said "Oh no! I forgot Brosco!" Blaze said running out. "Victoria" Blaze said banging on her door "What do you want Blaze?" Victoria asked "Please, Get rid of Brosco body, He can hurt you, I had a dream about it!" Blaze said "I thought death wizards have nightmares?" Victoria said "It doesn't matter, All I know is you need to get rid of Brosco!" Blaze said "Blaze, Trust me, Maybe he won't be the old Brosco" Victoria said "No, I am sorry Victoria but I am taking him" Blaze said pushing Victoria out of his way "Stop!" Victoria said getting her wand out "Stop, Get out now!" Victoria demanded "Victoria? Is this you?" Blaze said "Yes and is this you? Killing?" Victoria replied "He is dangerous, He tried to kill me!" Blaze yelled "How do you know!" Victoria shouted. The whole room was silent, "Fine, Fine, Have his dead body but Boris will not help you.." There is more then one life wiz that can help me! I can get Mrs.Wu if I want to!" Victoria interrupted "Fine, Good luck" Blaze said heading out and slam the door frequency. "Guys, We need to talk" Blaze said opening the library door where Patra & Boris at. "About what?" Boris said giving all his interest in a book, "Victoria has Brosco's body" Blaze said putting his hand on his head nervously "I thought she was ice not death" Boris said looking at a book "No? But listen to me! and woah wait?" Blaze stopped "Death wizards are allow to have dead bodies?" Blaze finished "Not the point, Brosco is..." "Who is Brosco?" Patra interrupted "A wizard that is a Dragon titan" "Wait..How can wizards be dragon titans? Is he fire? Or precisely a death" Patra said, "Just nevermind!" Blaze cried, "We need to get to DragonSpyre" Blaze said "Like you said 30 minutes ago but just headed to Victoria, How was that anyway" Boris said "Well this time we are going, Come on and we don't need Victoria she can play with Brosco all she wants" Blaze said still feeling worried, "We can go, You need to stay, You look like a nervous wreck" Patra said "No, I am a adventure typ..." "Just stay" Boris interrupted "Fine" Blaze said sitting down "Alright, We'll be back before the Big Ben tower d..." "Just go!" Blaze interrupted "Ok, Cya in a jiffy" Patra said pushing Boris in the spiral door, "I can't just leave them, They could die" Blaze said to his self "They might need my help!" Blaze said getting up and started to head to the spiral "I always get the chills, When I am in here" Boris said "Its like a ghost town, There no hope in DragonSpyre" Patra said looking around "Ok where is..." "Is that Cyrus?!" Boris interrupted "Where?" Patra said "Get down! Hide" Boris said "Right over there, And look necropolis is over there" Boris said "Shh, He might can hear us!" Patra cried
"Whats so bad about him seeing us or hearing us?" Boris asked "He might be evil and then he'll know our plan and get his titans to ambush us!" Patra said "He should already know, Blaze ask him all these questions, Maybe thats why he's here" Said Boris "Or..He might be Malistaire, Or even a..." "I doubt Cyrus is Malistaire" Patra interrupted "Look.." "I don't see how Malistaire & Cyrus are twins" Boris purposely interrupted "Lets just go down there, Its ok" Patra said pulling out his sword "Secretly, He could kill us with that wand" Boris concerned
"I doubt he would kill us" Said Patra, Grinning "Hey, Wait a minute, Just in case we die, I have a few questions, You know" Boris said sitting back down "Ok, Ask away" Said Patra sighing "Ok, Got 6 and they are..." "Ughhh" Patra moaned
"Ok, First one, Do you hate cats?" Boris asked "Uh, I hate Katzenstein & Cat burglars & meowiarty,Oh also.." "So you hate cats?" Boris interrupted "I hate bad cats" said Patra "Ok, What does Patra mean? Shouldn't you're name be Patrick? Boris said "Its Irish...I think" Patra said in confused "Ok? How long have you been doing this knight stuff?" Boris asked "14 years" Patra said proudly "Ok, Are you a German Sheperd?" Boris asked "Uhh?" Patra said "Yeah, Nevermind" Boris said "Last one and.." "YES THANK YOU!" Patra interrupted "Ok, How close were you & Yurly?" Boris asked "Uh...We been doing the knight job for a very long..time, I promised the mayor, He could come back, Both of us would" Patra said slowly "Lets just go" Patra said. "Ok, By now those two would be in Necropolis and I will be in.." Blaze stopped "What the? Are they still here? Not even talking to Cyrus? YOU ARE KIDDING!" Blaze said "Did you hear that?" Boris said "No?" Patra replied "It sounded like Blaze" Boris said "Wouldn't be surprise, Never follow orders" Patra said "Wow, Rude" Blaze said to his self "Hello wizards" Cyrus said "Uh...Hi" Boris said nervously "I am Cyrus Drake, The myth teacher at Raven wood" Cyrus said "Hello, I am Patra & this is Boris, I am a knight at MarleyBone & he is a life wizard in Raven wood" Patra introduced "And we are here to talk to.." "I know" Cyrus interrupted "Where is Blaze? I thought the chosen one would come and find more also" Cyrus said "He is a nervous wreck" Boris said "I am? I am perfectly fine!" Blaze whispered to his self "And he is in the library, Chilling" Boris finshed "See you around, Sir" Patra said heading into Necropolis. "Pretty sure they are the nervous wreck" Cyrus said to his self "Thank you!" Blaze shout out "Oops!" Blaze said covering his mouth "What was that?" Cyrus said bringing out his wand "Come on out titan! I wanna fight" Cyrus said aggressively "Oh great, The myth teacher is going to kill me" Blaze said "You have 5 seconds to come out, Or you'll be destroyed you useless titan!" Cyrus said "Either way, He is going to kill me!" Blaze said to his self "He knew about Brosco, Then he would might think that I am a titan but a wizard!" Blaze said "Alright time is up!" Cyrus said summoning a Cyclops "Cyclops.. Find the titan and kill him!" Cyrus demanded "Oh no I am going to get smash!" Blaze cried. Bam the cyclops hammer banging the ground, "Come on out meat stick!" Cyclops said. A big poosh just appeared and Cyrus was out of site "Ok, Cyrus is gone, Maybe I can handle this cyclops" Blaze said bringing out his wand. "Right here!" Blaze yelled jumping out of no where "Meat!" Cyclops said running toward Blaze. Bam the cyclops hammer banged on the ground as Blaze jumped in the air high. "Ok, This might work" Blaze said trying to cast a spell, "Stop moving!" Cyclops screamed and headed to Blaze "Oh, Idea" Blaze said laying down. "This'll be easy" Cyclops said. All of a sudden the cyclops ran in front of Blaze. "Oh no, Fail!" Blaze screamed and ran "Just cast something!" Blaze said to his self and all of a sudden the ground was shaking. "Ahh!" Blaze screamed and coming out of the ground of a blazing hot phoenix "Awesome!" Blaze shout. Woosh, The Phoenix flew and blew out fire "Noo!" Cyclops screamed as he exploded "Woah, That was pretty awesome" Blaze said to his self."Ok, To Necropolis, Chosen one need to know" Said Blaze "Ok, Where is she at?" Boris said "I-i-i-in there!" Patra said. In front of them was a big tower full of darkness, But at the top of the tower in a window a light flickered. "Look! She has to be in there, Lights flickering" Boris said feel joyful "Its going to be hard, I don't know if we'll make it out dead or alive" Patra said "Ok, Lets go back and get some..." "Come back you big baby!" Patra interrupted"It can't be that bad, I am a brave and daring knight! and um you're a life wizard""Hey! That doesn't make me feel any better! What are you going to get your sword out? Are you going to slice them? Or are you going to use your um that shield! Its not going to help us Patrick! We are going to die, And when we do, Raven wood is done for! Blaze & Victoria can't do it on their own and when Raven wood is taken over, All wizards will remember this and think hey remember this wouldn't happen if Patra & daring Boris wouldn't went in! and you know what they'll do to our graves? Wait who knows if we'll have..."
"Would you shut up already!" Patra said furiously "We'll be fine!" Patra finished. As the voices echo through out the place, There was a crumble of leafs. "What was that? I thought this was DragonSpyre! Everything dead!" Boris cried "I think it was a leaf and I think it.." "A leaf? Its maybe Bartleby mad at us!" Boris cried "Shut up!" Patra yelled "Ok, Ok, Lets just go, I am ready to die" Boris said laying down "Oh, They won't kill you" Patra said to his self. "Oh, Oh, Goodie, Found them!" Blaze said "Just walk down carefully" Blaze said walking "Woah woah!" Blaze screamed as he fell down the stairs. Clump, Clump the stairs made as Blaze feel down, "WHAT WAS THAT? DID YOU JUST HEARD THAT? WE ARE GOING TO DIE FOR SURE, JUST KILL ME PATRA, I DON'T WANT THEM TO TAKE ME!" Boris panicking, "Shut up!" Patra said bring out his sword "The noise was over there, Stay here I don't want you to cry and get me killed" Patra said"Ok, But what happen if..""Please just be quiet and stay still!" Patra yelled, "I swear you are going to get us killed" Said Patra heading to the stair way. "Oh no, Oh no, He is coming!" Blaze said in a panicking tone "Where to go, Where to go!" Blaze said looking left to right"Oh! Over there" said Blaze heading toward the Plaza of Conquest entrance "Did you find anyone?" Boris asked "No and I doubt I will with you talking!" Patra said with rage "No one, Must of been the wind" Patra said heading back "There has to be something, Must be hiding!" Boris said "Lets just go in!" Patra said pushing Boris in. "T-t-this place creeps me out" Boris said shivering "Its Dragonspyre, What do you inspect?" Patra said "I don't see anything" Boris said relief "I'm sure they're something in here, Waiting for us" Patra said. The gates behind them closed "Its cursed! We are locked in here, We're dead!" Boris screamed. "Stay close" Patra said bring out his sword, "Heeeeeello wizards" said a mysterious voice in the room, "Who is it! Not afraid, Lets fight" Patra said with loads of courage, "You're going to get us killed! Making it angry" Boris whispered. "The gate close? What?" Blaze said "Hmm, I have to get in there" Blaze said. "I got it!" Blaze said looking up the tower. "You might as well leave, You will not meet Sylvia" The mysterious person said "How do you know that we wanted to meet Sylvia and talk to her about Malistaire?" Boris said "What are you doing!" Patra said smacking Boris in the head, "Um sir or Mam, Hoping for a sir, Can we just talk to her please, We need to and its not about Malistaire its about um... A evil spirit party! Yes my mother died and her spirit is willing to have a..." "I am not foolish!" The voice echoed through out the room in anger "You want to destroy Malistaire and it will not happen! Leave my Malistaire alone!!" "Wait yours? Its a girl, Why would Malistaire marry two ladies? thats man crazy! Now I know why Sylvia dead, She couldn't take the pain!" Boris blurted "That is a lie!!!!" the voice once echoed and shook the whole tower "Good job genius, Now she's going to kill us!" Patra said "I hear foot steps?" Boris said ignoring Patra's comment "Time to die!" said a wraith stepping out,"Is that?" "I am Sylvia ghost!" "Sylvia ghost said "Oh well there goes trying to learn more about Malistaire!" Boris said "Miss, We just want to talk to you" "Shut up, Its not her" Patra whispered "Oh, Make sense" Boris said as he pulled out his wand "No!" Sylvia ghost said as she grabs the wand fast. "Ahhh, Do something!" Boris cried as he hides behind Patra
"Thanks for helping" Patra said in a sarcastic tone "Um please we are not going to hurt you we just.." "Ahhh!" Sylvia ghost said as she blast Patra down, "Ok, You know what, Lets go! Come at me!" Patra said "Was that Patra?" Blaze said as he climbs up "I thought Marleybone folks was kind and polite?" Blaze said, "Almost there just one..." Blaze said as he step on a poked out brick and started falling down. "Ahhhhhhh!" Blaze screamed as he falls down. "I swear that just sounded like Blaze" Boris said "Quiet and just chill lemme show IT what I got!" Patra said as he charge to the ghost. Boom! The tower shake and smoked came out in the whole room, "Patra, Did you took care of her?" Boris said waving the smoke away. As the smoke clear out in the room Patra lay there & Sylvia ghost just started laughing & started to hear toward Boris "Woah woah stop stop please you don't have to do this, We are just trying to find more about Malistaire so we can stop him because he is going to destroy Wizard city" Boris said in fear. Sylvia ghost stopped and looked at Boris. "Please, Don't do it, We can help you, I feel your pain, My father & mother use to work for Malistaire but then well I don't know what happen" Boris said in tears "Just please you can help us, Sylvia I know you're in there! Show it" Boris said feeling confident, "Just trust me here and hey we are both life, You know?" Boris said as he got up and went to Patra. The tower was shaking like it was in a earthquake, "No no not again!" Blaze said as he falls off once again, "Ahhh! Whats happening!" Boris panicked and poof the wraith poof into life dust and was gone "Patra, Patra! Oh no" Boris said "What have I done? I should of helped, Now he is gone and its all my fault" Boris cried "I wish I can fix..." Boris stopped, "Wait!" Boris said pulling out his wand "I am life!" Boris said happily and Boris cast a unicorn "Unicorn heal that knight!" Boris demanded. The unicorn horn touched Patra chest gently and lightly and then the Unicorn walked back and went away. "What? It didn't help! Stupid unicorn, Come back!" Boris cried as he took a glance at Patra "I am sorry its all my fault" Boris cried. One of Boris tears hit Patra's body and all of a sudden Patra got up "Boris, Y-y-you saved me!" Patra said "I guess you're a hero!" Patra said proudly as he pat Boris on the head "Oh, It was nothing just a daily thing for...Wait we need to go up stairs" Boris said as he went up the stairs, "There she is!" Boris screamed "Are you Sylvia?" Patra asked, "Yes I am" Sylvia said as she turned around "Woah! It is so good to meet you, I am Boris, Attending the life school in raven wood ma..." "Yes, I know you Boris" Sylvia said in a soft tone "You two wizards are brave to come, I am proud of it" "What?, It was my idea" Blaze cried as he finally gets to the top "I heard Blaze" Boris whispered to Patra "Won't be surprise" Patra replied back, "Malistaire was my love and my life" Sylvia soft tone said "I loved him, We was a great couple, But I don't know what happen, He wanted desires on his own after I died" Sylvia said "How did you died? Did Malistaire killed you?" Boris asked "No, I died from a nasty cold that could not been cure" Sylvia said slowly "Oh, I am so sorry" Patra said "What is Malistaire trying to do?" Sylvia asked, "Destroy Wizard city, That's why we are here to ask about Malistaire and what not" Patra replied "Yes, Our brave journey and so far 4 of our friends died" Boris said sadly "I am so sorry, What was their's names?" Sylvia asked "Omaro, I think & Alex, Yurly & Tatro" Patra said looking down "Oh, Tatro was a brave man and was the chosen one, I am sorry Malistaire is out of control, Because he is angry & he misses me" Sylvia said "Wow" Blaze said and all of a sudden the window cracked and shattered. "Blaze?!?!" Boris & Patra said "Nuts! I am sorry guys oh and by the way nice to meet you Sylvia and guys sorry I couldn't help myself and.." "How long have you been here?" Patra interrupted "The chosen one, Blaze DragonHorn, Hello how are you" Sylvia said "Good thank you" Blaze said trying not to worry about Patra & Boris concerns "We will talk about this later!" Patra whispered "Can you help us?" Blaze ask "What do you want me to do?" Sylvia ask "We need more information, Like what is his weakness? Is there a way for us to make him become good? Is there..." "I told you everything I know" Sylvia interrupted "But..But, I need to know more, I-I-I can't do..." "Chosen one, You can do it, All you need is friends & power & believe" Sylvia said "Wait? I thought it was friends and.." "Just be quiet Blaze!" Patra demanded "We must go, We have to train & teach Blaze some manners, Right..Wait where's Boris?" Patra said. Looking through burnt books in the other room there was Boris finding more information about Malistaire "Hmm, I don't get it, These pages are plain disgusting!" Boris said dusting off the burnt book shelf, "Oooh, a news paper, Pretty much the only thing that isn't burnt, Weird" Boris said to his self, "The houses & stone columns crumbled as the great dragon titan was summoned and changed this once we all know wonderful place to a messed up dragon base" Said Boris showing all his interest in the news paper "BORIS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Blaze said pulling him out, "Wait Blaze look at this!" Boris said handing newspaper to Blaze "Ugh reading, Worst" Blaze said "Just read it please, Its about the titans" Boris said "Fine" Blaze said taking the newspaper "Wow, This is terrible, Was this ugly place was once wonderful? The skies was blue and everything was fine" Blaze said "See, Its just terrible, This place deserves respect just like Wizard City &Marleybone! Now we all just think Dragonspyre death house" Boris said "We need to leave, Its time to" Blaze said dropping the newspaper. As Boris was leaving he stopped, Took a glanced at the paper and picked it up, "Gotta make all the wizards know what Dragonspyre is" Boris said walking out. "Good bye, Thank you" Patra said as they'll left the building and headed to the spiral, "Look Patra DragonSpyre was just like Wizard city & Marleybone!" Boris said handing the newspaper to Patra. "Interesting Boris...For once you're reading a newspaper" Patra snickered "Ok, Guys, Forget training, I need to go" Blaze said heading to his dorm "I'm going to the library" Boris said "Yeah, and I am going to Dragonspyre and have a tea party with Malistaire" Patra joked. a key fell out of Patra pocket and hit the ground loudly, "Hmm? What is this?" Patra said as he picked up the key "Looks like a titan key, I have to find out where this goes, Maybe somewhere Malistaire won't exspect" Patra said as he headed to Dragonspyre. "Still get the chills" Patra said as he looks at the great dragon titan, Boom the ground started to rumble "Ahh! What's going on?" Patra said falling over and suddenly the ground the faced Patra opened up coming out 3 titans coming out "What the?" Patra cried as he tries to run "Patra, Patra" Malistaire said coming out of the whole "You! What do you want!" Patra said "You, I want you!" Malistaire said bring out a titan claw "No! If you want me? You have to fight me!" Patra said pulling out his sword "Farewell, Titans! Get him" Malistaire demannded and the battle begun the 3 titans flew trying to swoop Patra, Cling! Patra sword went as he hit a Titan "Sorry, But bye" Patra said sticking his sword into a titan "Ok, 2 more!" Patra said "Come on" Malistaire screamed "Yes master" A titan with a blue chest plate said going to Tatro "Ah" Patra said as he jumped in the air to get away from the titan "Not this time!" Patra said defeating a titan "1 more!" Patra said "You! Better win this" Malistaire said waiting patience "Yes" the titan said as he blows all the fire he can "Oh no" Patra said falling to the ground "Too tire to fight" Patra said as he tries to flee away "Get him he getting away!" Malistaire said "Idea" Patra said heading into Sylvia's tower "Sylvia, Sylvia I need your..." Patra stopped "Hello? Anyone here?" Patra said walking slowly to make sure no danger "He went into that tower!" Malistaire said "Hello? Ma'am I need your help, Malistaire he is attacking me!" Patra cried, But still silence "Please" Patra said holding his sword tight as he walks up the dusty wore down stairs "Careful, carefu..." Patra freaked out as he heard the titan trying to knock the door down "Oh no, Gotta hurry but steady" Patra said. Patra was on the 2nd floor, Heading toward the 3rd floor. "I see you!" The titan said jumping on the stairs "Not going to make it! Unless the stairs give up" Patra said taking off his chest place and dropped it. Cling cling the chest place went down the stairs "Foolish boy, That will not stop me!" The titan laughed. "Might not stop you but maybe the stairs" Patra said "Huh?" Titan said in confusion "Bye" Patra said dropping his sword. SNAP the stairs broke down leaving the titan falling down and the stair pieces fell on top of him "Yes!" Patra said as he jumps out of the window "Nooo! You useless titans! If you can't take care of him then I will" Malistaire said heading toward Patra with the claw "Oh no He's coming" Patra said "Gotta get out of here quick" Patra said as he went as fast as his legs can go to the spiral door "Stop" Malistaire said. Patra stopped "Why don't you just give up! Your lost doesn't mean you can kill everyone! You evil scumbag, Be ashame of yourself but no need to worry, You'll be taken care of!" Patra said with anger. The whole place was silent, no one was moving hardly either, "Goodbye, See ya soon" Patra said "I don't understand how you are a human or whatever you are!" Patra lastly spoke and went in into the spiral door. "Where is Patra?" Boris asked "You was the last one with him, Perhaps in the library" Ambrose said "Well" Boris said "Go to the library, He should be there" Ambrose suggested "Possibly" Boris said "Victoria has a dead titan in her dorm" Boris said looking down "A what?" Ambrose said "Brosco was a titan and Blaze killed him, Victoria believe that he shouldn't and she's trying to make him come back alive" Boris said sitting down "Must go inspect her dorm, Come with me" Ambrose said heading out "Oh no, What have I done?" Boris ask to his self
"Open up!" Ambrose demanded banging on the dorm's door, "Ambrose, Just don't, Let her keep him!" Boris suggested "No, It is just too dangerous and I am not risking anything" Ambrose said "Hello Ambrose and.... Boris?" Victoria said closing the door "May I look inside your dorm? Time for a inspection" Ambrose said and went into the dorm "Victoria Dream! Why do you have a.." "I can explain! We can't kill them! Its not right we have to atleast lock them or knock them out, Not kill them! Would you like to be killed?" Victoria said "If we don't take care of them, We'll be dead, Now I am getting guards to come and take the body "Wait" Victoria said pulling Ambrose back "Can you make him come back alive?" Victoria asked "No! This is very dangerous" Ambrose said solemnly "You're not taking him! You just can't, Its just wrong, You liked Brosco, Don't you want to help him?" Victoria asked "I did but till I figured out he was a titan and tried to kill us! Its dangerous Victoria, End of it in a hour guards will be coming" Ambrose said as he walked out. "You told didn't you!" Victoria asked "No, It was inspection" Boris said nervously "I'm not helping, I am leaving, Heading to Mooshu" Victoria said "You can't, You have to help us" Boris said "Blaze...Blaze is just plain careless, All you guys just want to kill and not make peace" Victoria said as she walks out. "What have I done?" Boris said all alone "Guess Raven wood is doom" Boris said as he sits down. "That was close, Almost got killed" Patra said to his self heading back to Marleybone. "I just can't deal with this, Too much stress" Blaze said "You are the chosen one and apparently the cocky one too" Lincoln said "I'm going to bed, Hopefully dooms day isn't tomorrow" Blaze said "Hopefully" Lincoln said trying to do work "Haven't seen Patra or Boris in 3 hours? And Victoria for a whole day" Blaze said as he stops at his dorm "Boris?!?!" Blaze said "What happen?" Blaze asked "I messed up, Ambrose took Brosco from Victoria 1 hour ago and I don't know where she went & haven't seen Patra since Dragonspyre" Boris said "Maybe this is a sign, We should just let Malistaire have Raven wood" Boris suggested "He could attack anytime he wants" Blaze said "We need to be prepare and ready to fight" Blaze said "You mean you, I can't just.." "So you're giving up? Why? Stop being a wussy!" Blaze yelled "C'mon Blaze, Tatro died, Brosco betrayed, Omaro, Alex & Yurly getting killed! Victoria leaves and we have no idea where Patra is at! We should just give up" Boris said as he gets up and head to his dorm, "Why must this happen to me?" Blaze said falling down on his bed, "I can't do it without Victoria or Patra or Boris" Blaze said. "So dark, Can't see anything" said Boris still not home, "Hello, Anyone here?" Boris said. It was getting darker and darker and then something tapped Boris shoulder. "Who was that?!?!" Boris cried "I'm just a life wizard, Need healing?" Boris asked in the darkness "Please, Just don't hurt me" Boris said crouching down "Boooris" the voice echoed "Who is it?" Boris cried. The noises stopped and it was getting lighter but then the mysterious person snatched up Boris "Help!" Boris screamed but no one didn't hear and poof they were in the spiral heading to Dragonspye. Bump, Bump the bag that Boris was in hit the ground every second and it stopped "Master, I have him" "Good job Deablo" "Is that Malistaire?" Boris said to his self "Open the bag" Malistaire said. Zip the bagged open and come falling out was Boris "Malistaire! Knew you was up to this" Boris said "Quiet wizard" Deablo said "Oh and you! Capture me in the darkness? What you knew that I was going to kick your butt in the light? Huh huh" Boris said "Wanna fight?" Deablo said pulling out his gleaming polish sword "I'm ready" Deablo said "Well give me my wand and lets go!" Boris said "Enough!" Malistaire said slamming down this staff "You will be hostage here and when we capture your friends, You can watch them become a titan" Malistaire said pulling out a titan claw "No no! Don't touch me with that!" Boris said backing up "Deablo, Hold him down!" Malistaire said "Yes master" Deablo said holding a strong grip on Boris "Why are you doing this? Think Sylvia doesn't want you to do this" Boris said. Malistaire stopped and the place was silent but Deablo hard breathing "She would want you to become..." "Shut up! You don't know" Malistaire said slashing Boris with the titan claw "Nooo!" Boris screamed falling down "Now, You'll be on of them in 3 days" Malistaire said "You're mad! When Blaze wins, Sylvia will be laughing!" Boris said "Shut up!" Malistaire yelled making a huge bruise on Boris face "Deablo, Take him to the jail" Malistaire damanded, "Also..." Malistaire said turning around "I also want you to get Patra & that ice rat, I don't know her name" Malistaire said turning back around "Yes sir" Deablo said with bravery "Don't do it please" Boris asked "Shut up useless peasent" Deablo said pushing Boris into the cage "See ya soon" Deablo said leaving laughing. "Time to sleep" Patra said as he turned off his lamp. Click, Clop, Click, Clop noises were being made on the roof "What was that?" Patra said as he jumps out of the bed & opened the window "Anyone here?" Patra said sticking his head out of the window. It was windy and the darkness was arriving. Zee, The lamp made as it was turned out "What the?" Patra said. BOOM a orange/red titan with blue armor jumped into the window and attacked Patra. "You're coming with me" Deablo said tying Patra up "Who are you?" Patra said with a bloody lip "Deablo and you're going to Dragonspyre with me "No! Don't, Please" Patra said trying to stop "You don't have to do this, You can join us, To fight against Malistaire, To win to get you free" Patra said "I swear" Patra finshed "No, Must follow my master orders "He's not your master! He using you" Patra said "Shut up" Deablo said tying Patra's mouth shut. "Master, Here is Patra" Deablo said throwing Patra to the ground "Great, But we are not going to chain him, We are going to make him suffer for all the pain he gave me! Killing more then 10,000 of my titans" Malistaire said "Tie him up good" Malistaire said. "Ambrose, I can't find anyone its like they'll vanish" Blaze said "Could be that they'll taking a break, Maybe you should too" Ambrose suggested "Malistaire could attack in any minute!" Blaze said "Do they even care?" Do they want to win?" Blaze said "Go rest, We'll know when they attack" Ambrose said closing the door as he pushes Blaze out. "Maybe Ambrose is right, Maybe I do need some rest, Good little nap will help me" Blaze said heaing back to his dorm.
Chapter five
"I feel it, Today is doom day for Raven wood, Right Deablo?" Malistaire said "Yesss Master" Deablo said walking to the chamber "Come on, Time for the pain express" Deablo said grinning "You don't have to do this, Think about it" Patra said trying to convince Deablo about his plan "Quiet, This will take a few minutes" Deablo said tying up Patra "I think I would like to use this blazing hot whip" Deablo said snickering. The noises of pain coming from Patra mouth echoes through out the whole building "No, That was Deablo!" Boris said trying to get out out the chains "I can't do anything, I'm sorry Patra" Boris said and tears started to fall "Kid, I can help you" A starving man said in front of his cell "H-H-How?" Boris said as he wiped his tears away "Right there, That is a key, Over there, But I need your robe" The men said "Ok here and what is your name?" Boris asked as he handed his robe over "David, I was a knight with 3 other knights, We was capture I think 2 died and one got away" David explained "Tatro?" Boris said "Yes he was one of them with me, How do you know him?" David asked "He was the chosen wizard! He was teaching my friend, But he was attacked and died" Boris said "Wow, He was the youngest, Who knows" David said "Ok anyways, Lets do this" David said making the robe in a robe "Ok, Here it comes" David said as he tries to hit the keys off the wall with it "Darn!" David said as he misses, Clump clump "Oh no someone coming!" Boris panicked "Hurry" Boris rushed "Ok, Dangit!" David said as he miss again "C'mon!" Boris cried. Ding, The key made noises as it falls down to ground "Got it" David said "Hide it, They're coming" Boris said leaning back "Hello peasents" one of the titan said as the other one laughed, "Oh look David is still here, Doubt he will ever get out, He is going to die in that cell" The titan teased "For now" Boris whispered to his self "Oh and look its these wizard, He's going to be in here for a long time too" One of the titan said "Yes, Feel sorry for this sad wizard" A titan said "Lets leave now, Deablo needs us" a titan said as he walks out "Oh, When I leave I'll kill them!" David said in anger "Ok, Lets get out" Boris said standing up. Click the cell opened "Ok, Lets go into the spiral" David suggested "No, We need to free this prisoners too!" Boris said "Please" A lady said "Ok, Fine" David said throwing the key to Boris. "Ok, Everyone follow our lead" Boris said to the 6 remaining prisoners. "Carefully" David said walking quietly down stairs "We need to get Patra" Boris said "No, If we do, All of us could get killed "Ok, Lets go the door is over there" David said quietly. Boom one of the people fell down "Someone's here" A titan screamed out "RUN!" Boris screamed. 2 people was hit by a fireball from one of the titans and fell to the ground "No!" David screamed "Go go" Boris said pushing the 4 remaining prisoners into the spiral door "I have to go get David!" Boris said as he rushes back inside "Hey look its the lonely knight" a titan laughed "Come at me!" David said slicing the two titans. "David run over here" Boris cried. Blast! 3 titans blew out flaming hot fire into David back "Nooo!" Boris cried "You're going to like this" Malistaire said as he brings out the titan claw "No, Don't do it" Boris cried "Too late" Malistaire said as he slices David's back with the claw "No!" Boris screamed "Run! Its your best option" David said. Boris ran so fast that Malistaire wouldn't even bother "Leave him, We have the other one" Malistaire said taking a big glance at Patra, "Hmm" Malistaire said. "Blaze, Victoria, Ambrose, Guards!" Boris cried "O my gosh, Are you okay?" Blaze asked "I was a prisoner, With one of Tatro guard buddy back and We escape well..." "Where is he?" Ambrose asked "Dead, I was the only one that made it out" said Boris "Have you seen..." "Oh yeah and Patra is there also, A prisoner! He is in pain, Getting a beating everyday from dragon titans" Boris said "We have to save him" Blaze said "We can't" Ambrose said looking down "Why? Soon he's going to die!" Boris said "We could die if we go in, There are like 10,000 titans there" Ambrose said "Can't believe this, First Victoria now..." "What happen to Victoria?" Boris interrupted "I don't know she's been gone for days now" Blaze said "Can't believe this, We might lose ravenwood" Boris said having no hope "Yes, We can win this!" Blaze said "Victoria is out there, We'll have to find her though, And Patra we'll rescue him soon" Blaze said "Alright, First Victoria" Boris said having confidence. Boris & Blaze headed to the Library for books about malistaire and ask wizards do they know a Victoria Dream. "It been 3 hours, No information about Malistaire and no one have no idea about Victoria all they know about is about her dad!" Boris said. "I have to end this" Blaze said "How?" Boris asked "Once the Titans get in the spiral and in Ravenwood. Oh buddy we have a show down" Blaze said "So? Attacking Malistaire isn't the best idea" Boris said, But Blaze wouldn't listen & carried on doing what he was doing. Heading toward Malistaire. Right when Blaze entered the spiral, Titans was coming out, 10 at a time every second. By this time. It was war. "They're here!" Boris cried "Run, Get guards" Blaze said "What are you going to do?" Boris asked "End this once and for all" Blaze said. Period.
Chapter six
The showdown
Blaze headed toward the Spiral. Traveling to Malistaire. "Are you sure about this?" Boris said
"Go, Run" Blaze cried. Blaze went into Malistaire's lair. Surprise he was. "Wow" Blaze said "Who was that?" Malistaire said "Minions, Go check" Malistaire demanded. But when Blaze heard their's footsteps he ran and hid. "No one so far" They said. "Okay just need to get behind them" Blaze said, Picking up his wand. "You heard that?" One of the minions asked "Yes" Blaze stepped out and was behind the minions. He raised his wand and POOF, He used the wand and vanished the minions. "Minions" Malistaire said but they didn't replied "Deablo, Go check, Take your sword too" Malistaire said "Yes master" Deablo responded. Deablo walked down, Slowly & carefully. Always checked his back after 10 seconds. He was ready. Blaze got into his hiding place and stayed there. But he knew this titan commander had great hearing. "Come out little Wizard" Deablo taunt. "I know you want" Deablo said once again "Your friends are doom & soon to be vanished!" He said "Even the girl" Deablo said, Grinning. But it made Blaze angry and he popped out screaming with a sword. But Deablo pulled out his too and it was a show down. Cling cling the swords made everytime they hit. Malistaire could hear the noises & knew it was Blaze but he didn't want to bother. He knew Deablo can win. "Young wizard, You cannot win!" Deablo said "I can and I will!" Blaze responded back. "Nope" Deablo said, Knocking the sword out of Blaze's hand. "Its time for your end" Deablo said. Deablo had the sword pointing at Blaze's neck. Making him back up toward the end. Where lava burn. "Time for your end, Young Wizard" Deablo said, Slinging the sword into the air. Ready to strike. "No" Blaze said "You might got me to the end, But I will not. Let a sword defeat me" Blaze said, Falling back. Thinking of the man that gave up his life for him. But Blaze knew under the cliff, Was a little cave and luckily he landed on it. "Haha, Fool" Deablo said, Walking back. Blaze was thankful, But not ready to give up. Meanwhile in Ravenwood, Loads of titans was coming out. Boris running to shelter and get help.
"Guards" Boris said, Entering Unicorn way. "Titans taking over Ravenwood" Please help. Boris said. In less then 5 minutes Boris manage to get more then 135 knights.
"We will win this battle" Malistaire said, walking around in cricles "Yesssss" Deablo said "You defeated the wizard?" Malistaire asked "Not exactly. He jumped off. On his own" Deablo said. Malistaire stopped walking and turned around "Fool, There are millions of caves under there!" Malistaire said "Look for him now" Malistaire said and Deablo did. Blaze heard Deablo footsteps. He was here. "Foolish wizard, You're giving me a bad rep" Deablo said "This time I'll make sure you're dead" Deablo said. Blaze got a sharp diamond piece, Where he found in the cave and point it up "No" Blaze said, Attacking him "Again, I told you once you can't win" Deablo said "Maybe the time" Blaze said, Missing the sword on purpose and wrack Deablo on the non-sharp part. "Hiissssss". Blaze laughed. "This time, I will end this!" Blaze said, Jumping up. Hitting the ceiling. It started to shark, Pieces falling. "Fool, You just messed up your own self" Deablo laughed. But then when Deablo ran back. A piece fell on his legs. Getting him stuck. "Help" He said. "You're done" Blaze said, Leaving him behind. "Fool! Malistaire will win" Deablo said, Rocks falling on him. He was defeated. Blaze got up and headed toward Malistaire.
"How was it Deablo?" Malistaire asked "Fine" Blaze said, Grinning. "Aww, Congratz, Taking out my man and now my commander? Young wizard when I'm done with you, The titans will have dinner tonight" Malistaire laughed "And your team too" Malistaire finish. "Surrender" Blaze said, Holding his wand in the air. "It's too late" Malistaire said, Turning around. Looking at the great titan. "In less then 5 minutes, The great titan will become back alive" Malistaire said. Blaze thought it was too late. But he thought and he should atleast try to save Ravenwood. "This is too much, Don't you think?" Blaze said "You lost allot of titans, Heck even your commander and all for what? Your wife? You can't just take all your anger out on the Wizard world" Blaze said. The ground was starting to shake, The titan about to break. Malistaire grinned. "Just hold down everything and end this please" Blaze said.
"This isn't good" Boris said. Staring at the titan army. "Wizard, Where are your friends?" Lawson, A guard asked "I don't know" Boris said. But it just hit Boris, Patra. "Boris, We..."
"Have to get Patra" Boris interrupted David. "Lawson, Led us to victory" Boris said. Heading toward the Spiral. "Yes sir" Lawson said, To his self. "We have to hurry, He can be dead for all we know" David said. They manage to get into the spiral and to Dragonspyre. "Ok, In that building, With the guards" Boris said. They knew it was trouble. "Carefully" David said. "Who's there?" The guard asked. Boop! Boris threw a medium size rock at the titan. Straight at his face. Knocking him out cold. "Great shot" David said. "We need more titans" They overheard a titan, In the same room as Patra. "They're taking so much of them out" Another one said. "Shhh, Stay" David said, Quietly. "What should we do with guard?" A titan said "We'll use him as a threat against them, They don't want to lose him, It's a perfect plan" "Ah, Yes perfect" He said "No I am not taking this" Boris said, Walking out "No" David said. Clink clink, Noises was making & coming out was Boris. "It's clear" He said. They walked in looking for Patra. "Where could he be?" David said. But then they heard a Clunk, Wooden chair leg clunk. "He's in here!" David said, Opening the door. They saw Patra and a titan behind him "Move again he is over" He said. And they listened. "I am Dutota, The second titan chief of this war. Now I advise you to take a couple steps back" Dutota said. "It won't help killing him" Boris said. "What?" They all said in confusion. "Kill him" Boris said. Patra looked at him in a strange way & started to shake his head. "Go ahead" Boris said. "Mmm" Dutota said. "Maybe I should just destroy you!" He said. But all of a sudden, Patra, In his chair all tied up. Flip the chair over into Dutota. "What the" He cried. Clunk! David stand up on his leg, Chair on back all tied up still. And dived into Dutota, Chair first. Bump! The chair broke. "Fools" He shout and Patra reached for his sword and Cling! He soared the sword into Dutota, Defeating him. "Nice" Boris said. "You try to kill me!" Patra cried. "Well you're alive & Dutota is done for" Boris said proudly "Well done" David clapped. They escape the palace and headed back toward the spiral to ravenwood.
"We can maybe help you" Blaze said "Never, I just want my wife back!" Malistaire cried. The great titan was about to break. "You don't understand, you'll destroy others" Blaze said. "Hmm" Malistaire said, Not agreeing. "It's too late" Malistaire said, Striking Blaze. Blaze lying down in weakness, Malistaire comes over toward him and raises his staff. "Goodbye young wizard" Malistaire said. But a voice cried out, "Malistaire" Malistaire turned around, "Who dare to come in my lair?" "Malistaire please" "Stop, Reveal yourself" Malistaire said and they did, Coming out was a old woman & Victoria. "Sylvia?" Malistaire asked in relief "This can't be you" She panicked "Your destruction, What happen" She said "They caused this, It's all their's fault!" Malistaire said angrily "This is not you for sure, This is not my Malistaire!" She said, "V-v-Victoria" Blaze said in relief "Stop this now, Stop the titans & end your rage" She said "Never, This is for us" He said "Malistaire" A deep voice said "Who else comes?" Malistaire said. Coming out from the dark was Cyrus Drake "Brother" Malistaire said, Dropping his staff "You're out of control, This must stop" Cyrus said "Never, Till these wizards get a taste of my pain" Malistaire said looking down at Blaze. "Please" Victoria said heading toward Blaze & Malistaire "We can help you get through this" Victoria said "Never" Malistaire said in rage, striking Victoria "No" Blaze cried "You fault Wizards" Malistaire said "Malistaire" Sylvia said, coming toward him. She took a deep breathe with tears & she hugged him "Please" She said. Blaze & Victoria smiled, But then Cyrus drake, Brought out his wand & striked Both Malistaire & Sylvia. They were shocked. "What are you doing?" Victoria cried. "They're gone" Cyrus said "We could of fix everything by getting them together!" Victoria said "They are together, In a better place, They are still alive" Cyrus said "With Malistaire gone the titans must surrender" He said. Cyrus headed toward the great titan, Breaking free. He smiled & lifted Malistaire's staff in the air. "Leave this place!" Cyrus cried & he stuck the great titan & he became stone. "We won" Cyrus said. "The other titans Boris & David need help" Blaze said "With the great titan in peace, They're just useless" Cyrus stated. "Your friends are safe" Cyrus said & he turned back around & stomped the staff & POOF they were in Ambrose's office. "You're the chosen one for sure" Ambrose smiled. "Victoria was the hero & Cy.." Blaze stopped & turned around he was gone. "Ambrose, Ambrose!" Boris said, Running in with David & Patra. "Victory" Blaze said as he looks at Boris "You guys did it!" David cried "Yes we did" Victoria said "We got Patra back too" David said "Yes, Thank you wizards, Everything was great even the battle" Patra said "Now I must go return to Marleybone, To spread the news & the heros" Patra said as he exits Ambrose's office "This is great, The war is over everyone's in peace, Tatro would be proud" Ambrose said. Blaze looked up & said "Bet he is" but he also knew that he will return.
Created by David
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